Pieces Lost

My biggest fear is death. Not because of how and when, but because I don’t want to leave what and who I love. I don’t want what and who I love to leave me either. Death makes you miss beautiful moments in life that you get to laugh about over Thanksgiving dinner, or around your family Christmas tree. Death makes you question many aspects of your life; it opens the door for doubt and sorrow. Death is a son of a bitch that comes hand in hand with life.

Life is a piece of art. I think that is why we connect so deeply to things like music, movies, and literature. We use other aspects of art to help structure our own. I think that is why it is so devastating when there is a big loss in art, it’s like losing a piece of yourself.

Prince and Bowie were a piece of my voice, Robbin Williams was a piece of my smile, Gene Wilder and Alan Rickman were a piece of my imagination, Carrie Fisher was a piece of my feminine power, Muhammad Ali was a piece of my strength and perseverance, Harper Lee was a piece of my creativity, and Glenn Frey was a piece of my individuality.

All of those people and their art is what inspired mine. Their legends live through us and our lives. They impacted people in unbelievable and indescribable ways, so not only did the world lose legends, but I also lost pieces of me. My prayers are forever with their families who are now missing those beautiful moments they once had. This post is dedicated to all the legends the world had lost this year. Thank you for impacting our lives.


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